Tilting Windmill
Landscape Design
Celebrating our 12th Anniversary
I started this business while my wife was pregnant with our fourth child. I knew I had to put all my energy into being the ‘best lawn boy’ (what my horrible children call me) I could be.

Don Quixote, the protagonist of the classic novel of the same name, became a knight errant after becoming delusional by heroic tales of chivalric knights. In one memorable scene, he mistakes a group of windmills for giants and, lance in hand, charges at them. Hence, "tilting at windmills," has come to mean fighting imaginary enemies. I find this definition lacking; to me, "tilting at windmills" means fighting an un-winnable, but noble battle.
The Story of Don Quixote and the Meaning Behind Tilting Windmill
A garden is a different kind of battle. Gardening involves working with living things that are always growing, changing, and eventually dying. Despite this, gardeners strive for moments of harmony and balance. Even though a garden can never be truly conquered, by engaging in this un-winnable battle, we are nobler in our efforts.
About the Owner
John Critz's fascination with plants and design led him to start Tilting Windmill Landscape Design in 2012, after years of working in healthcare administration and running cancer clinics. Although rewarding, the job didn't allow him to nurture his creative side. So, when the opportunity arose, he decided to change his career and pursue his passion.
John went back to school and studied Landscape Design at Gwinnett Tech, followed by a Landscape Architecture program at Harvard in the Graduate School of Design. After returning from Cambridge, he started his journey by working as an intern at a well-known high-end landscape architecture firm. He learned as much as he could about design and operations before embarking on his own venture.
Now, John loves his job. His passion for working with people and helping them achieve their landscape dreams with functional and beautiful solutions is what drives him. If you're interested, give Tilting Windmill a call and let's see what he and his team can do for your landscape.
Your Garden’s White Knight, in a tank top.